My Photo Journey

My name is Grace Madonna (they/them). I have many creative passions as anyone who knows me could tell you, but my greatest one has been photography ever since I was thirteen.

On October 5, 2014, I was at my local mall waiting to be picked up around sunset. The lighting was beautiful so I took a few pictures of the scenery with my iPod Touch. This was my first attempt at capturing anything with artistic intent, as I'm sure you can tell, but it ignited an excitement in me I had never felt before.

It wasn't long before I was begging my parents for a camera and was given a Fuji Film point-and-shoot. I was told that if I proved my dedication, I could get a DSLR. I promptly photographed everything in sight: my dog, the beach, flowers, and any view I could see from the backseat of my mom's minivan.

A little over a year later, the best Christmas morning finally arrived when I unwrapped a Nikon D3300. And thus, the most wonderful phase of my artistic career began.

The Three Images That Started It All

October 5, 2014

Why Sun Seeds?

I've always considered myself a photographer that could do it all; portraits, conceptual work, events, landscape. You name it. I want to capture every bit of beauty this universe has to offer, all the way from the soil of our Earth to the stars in space. From the sun to our seeds and everything in between.

Interview of me, conducted, filmed, and edited by Mary McGaffigan in May 2021, before business rebranding